What is shockwave?

Shockwave therapy offers a non-invasive and medication-free solution for a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal issues like tendinitis, bursitis, and tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow & more. Despite its name, "shockwave," which might evoke thoughts of electrical shocks, the treatment is entirely painless and safe. At Hammett Integrative Health, Shockwave therapy uses high-energy sound waves directed at the painful area. These shockwaves generate a “shockwave” that promotes natural cellular regeneration, promoting and accelerating healing of injured tissues.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

The treatment involves applying a handheld device to the affected area, which emits high-energy sound waves. These waves travel through the skin and penetrate into the underlying tissues. The energy from the shockwaves stimulates blood flow, increases cell regeneration, and promotes the release of natural painkillers within the body.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Joint Pain

Non-Invasive Treatment Option

One of the major benefits of shockwave therapy is that it is a non-invasive treatment option. This means that there are no incisions, needles, or medications involved, reducing the risk of complications and speeding up recovery time.

Pain Relief

Many patients report significant pain relief following shockwave therapy. The treatment helps to reduce inflammation, alleviate muscle tension, and promote healing in the affected area, leading to long-lasting pain relief.

Improved Mobility

In addition to pain relief, shockwave therapy can also help improve mobility and range of motion in the affected joint. By promoting healing and reducing inflammation, patients often find that they can move more freely and perform daily activities with less discomfort.


  • Bursitis

  • Chronic tendonitis

  • Calcified shoulder

  • Tennis elbow/Golfer’s elbow

  • Trochanteric pain syndrome

  • Neck & Back pain

  • Achilles tendinopathy

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Medial tibial stress syndrome

  • Other types of musculoskeletal pain

What to Expect During Treatment

Initial Consultation

Before undergoing shockwave therapy, you'll need to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Hammett. During this appointment, she will assess your condition, review your medical history, and determine if shockwave therapy is appropriate for you.

Treatment Sessions

Shockwave therapy typically involves a series of treatment sessions, spaced several days or weeks apart. Each session lasts about 15-30 minutes, depending on the condition. Most patients require between 4-8 sessions to achieve optimal results.

Post-Treatment Care

Following each treatment session, it's essential to follow with Dr. Hammett post-treatment care instructions. This may include resting the affected area, applying ice or heat, and avoiding strenuous activities for a few days.

shockwave therapy Faq’s


  • Non-invasive procedure

  • No risk of infections or other complications

  • Takes only a few minutes per session

  • Effective for numerous conditions

  • Helps you avoid surgeries and medications

  • Stimulates natural healing

  • No harsh side effects or downtime

Is Shockwave Therapy Right for You?

Deciding whether shockwave therapy is the right treatment option for you depends on various factors, including your specific condition, medical history, and treatment goals. Consult with a our office today to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for managing your joint pain.

Shockwave therapy offers a promising non-invasive treatment option for individuals suffering from chronic joint pain. By stimulating the healing process, reducing inflammation, and promoting pain relief, shockwave therapy can help improve mobility and enhance quality of life for many patients. If you're considering shockwave therapy for joint pain, consult with Hammett Integrative Health to discuss your options and determine if this innovative treatment is right for you.

  • Some patients may experience relief from their symptoms after just one or two sessions of Shockwave therapy. However, it often takes several weeks to see significant improvement. The body continues to heal and regenerate over time, so patients may continue to see improvement for several months after completing the treatment course.

  • While Shockwave therapy is considered safe, some patients may experience minor side effects such as redness, bruising, or temporary discomfort at the treatment site. Serious complications are rare but possible, so it's essential to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider before starting treatment.

  • No, Shockwave therapy is typically painless. Some patients may feel a mild discomfort during the treatment, but it is generally well-tolerated.

  • After Shockwave therapy, it's advisable to avoid strenuous activities and give the treated area some rest for a day or two. Additionally, staying hydrated and applying ice to the treatment area can help reduce any minor discomfort or swelling. Dr. Hammett will provide specific post-treatment care instructions tailored to your condition.

  • The coverage for Shockwave therapy varies depending on your insurance provider and policy. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the treatment costs, while others may not cover it at all. It's best to check with your insurance provider or healthcare provider's office to understand your coverage options before starting treatment.

  • Yes, Shockwave therapy can often be combined with other treatments like Chiropractic adjustmen, medications, or injections to enhance its effectiveness. Your healthcare provider may recommend a combination of treatments tailored to your specific condition and needs for optimal results.

$59 Shockwave introductory offer

Contact us today to schedule a $59 Shockwave Introductory Appointment